Biometric Attendance
The Best Biometric Attendance System Software – Smart eTracker – allows organizations to track employee attendance easily. It has a secure facial recognition technology that takes a selfie of the employee at each entry and exit and matches it with their existing database. This makes it much easier to manage employee attendance and enables employers to track their attendance accurately. The Smart eTracker app also includes a GPS employee location tracker, allowing organizations to know the exact places the employee was registered during the day. This is a great way to add an extra layer of security to the biometric attendance process and ensure the attendance record’s accuracy.

Time and Attendance Using Biometrics
Using the Best Biometric Attendance App, attendance with Selfie & Location is guaranteed. This means that employees’ time can be accurately captured in real-time from any location and at any time. The result of this is clear – employee productivity has seen a significant increase!
Procure as You Proceed
Our attendance app is reliable Biometric Attendance Management System if you’re looking for an easy, cost-effective way to track employee attendance and maintain accurate records. Our attendance app is much less expensive than older biometric attendance machines. Plus, you don’t have to commit to a significant ticket investment upfront – our free trial allows you to scale your investment to meet your needs.

Fingerprint Identification
By leveraging Touch ID technology, Smart eTracker’s fingerprint recognition system makes authentication quick, hassle-free, and highly secure. Unlike traditional authentication methods, users are not required to remember passwords or enter additional information. Instead, it takes a simple finger press to verify the user’s identity.