Terms and Conditions

Smart eTracker is an enterprise software package provided by Webapps Solutions Pvt Ltd. We comprehend your apprehension regarding the safeguarding of your particulars online. This agreement of privacy (“Policy”) outlines how we sustain the confidentiality of the individual details we compile online in connection with the Website or Mobile App. Our customers have the absolute right to recognize what facts we collect and how they are employed. This Policy applies to all the services and products supplied by us. Our Policy is based on protection, choice, notice, access, data reliability, and implementation. Your consent to our Policy by registering or inspecting the Site / App designates your approval for us to obtain the details. You also confirm your submission for using and publishing the customers’ data. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at sales@webappssol.com. Please keep in mind that we may need to change the Policy from time to time to address new concerns and to conform with changes on the Site / App or in the law. We retain the right to update or modify the Policy, and your continued use of the Site / App following any changes to this Policy will signify that you consent to and acknowledge such changes. As a result, please bookmark this page and revisit it regularly to ensure you are familiar with the most recent version of the Policy. We will announce all changes to the Policy here so that you are constantly up to date. You can discern if the Policy has been amended by glancing at the recently modified date posted on the head of this page. If, for the reason of these modifications, you dictate that you want to expunge any piece of your personal information from our catalog, please advise us at sales@webappssol.com.

Agreement Acknowledgement

This agreement applies to the materials, items, administrations, and points. We reserve the privilege to modify the contract whenever indicated by the users’ necessities without earlier notification. When the agreement is changed, the new deal is posted on the Website / App, and the user must peruse it before utilizing the Website / App.

Privacy Statement

The website/app’s privacy policies are essential to the user experience and give users the confidence that their personal information is being protected and not shared with others. Establishing a trusting relationship between the web/app and its users is necessary. By taking the time to review our privacy policy, users can feel secure knowing that we respect and protect their privacy.

By registering or accessing the website/app, users are permitting us to collect the information needed to provide a better experience. We understand the importance of protecting your personal information and promise to keep it secure with the highest security standards. Your data will not be shared with any third-party companies, and we won’t sell or transfer any data without your consent.

The use and dissemination of visitors’ personal information collected from our website are only done to enhance the user experience. We keep track of web/app traffic, such as pages visited and data collected, so that we can better understand our customers’ interests. This helps us improve the website/app and provide better products and services to our customers. We also use this information to measure the effectiveness of our advertising and promotional campaigns.


Once you sign up on this Site/App, you’ll have to consent to the following conditions. Firstly, we must have your authentication, up-to-date, exact info when filling out the application and registration forms. This information will be used for producing your account, as well as to verify and keep your account in good order. We also require that you respect the privacy of your user profile and quash any risk of external third-party access. It’s your responsibility to bear all losses that may come up from your account being wrongly used due to a lack of security defense. You must also update and conserve your registration details and other information. As a user, it’s expected that you always keep these details accurate and current.


We reserve the right to alter prices with no warning at any time.


As an operator of the Site/App, you guarantee and affirm that charges will be incurred by you and your credit/debit card issuer. You must present precise and comprehensive credit card specifics. You would be liable for all charges incurred due to the pricing and additional GST.

Patents for Services

Our service badges comprise Smart eTracker App. Smart eTracker and the enterprise names and products mentioned on the Website / App are our brand names.


The use of the Site/App and its content are subject to the rules outlined in these Terms of Use. It is forbidden to display, republish, transmit, rent, sell, lease, or otherwise exploit the Site/App or any component of the Site/App. The user may not use the Site/App or its content to create any database, information, or storage system for commercial distribution. Any attempt to do so will be considered a violation of the Terms of Use, and the user may be held responsible and liable for any damages resulting from the violation.

The user must remember that the Site/App and its content, including data or text, photographs, drawings, images, and graphics, is protected by copyright, trademark, and other intellectual property laws. The user must use the Site/App and its content in compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, and other requirements.

Furthermore, the user may not copy, modify, add or attach any data or content to the Site/App for sale or commercial exploitation. In such a case, the user needs permission from the copyright or other owners of the content before reproducing or using it in any way. The user must respect the ownership rights of all content and, if applicable, obtain the copyright owner’s permission before copying any content from the Site/App. The user also may not remove any content from the Site/App and use it outside the context of the Site/App. Additionally, using any Spider, another automated deciphering, or extractor tools or attempting to modify or deface the Site/App components without proper authorization is forbidden. Violating these rules may lead to the user being held responsible and liable following applicable laws.

License and Use Restrictions

The user is granted a non-exclusive, non-transferable license for the following purposes: to access and use the Site/App solely for non-commercial and personal reasons. This license does not entitle the user to commercial use of the Site/App or to transfer the ownership to a third party.

The user agrees to abide by all of the terms and conditions in this agreement, including those regarding copyright and other proprietary rights and is solely responsible for any unauthorized use of the Site / App or any infringement of any rights.

Malfunctions, Ameliorations, and Alterations

At Smart eTracker, we strive to make our site/app as user-friendly, safe, and enjoyable as possible. However, we cannot guarantee or demonstrate that our offerings are entirely void of any problems, faults, malicious software, or damaging components. Additionally, we do not ensure that the information available on our site or app is accurate, up-to-date, and reliable.

Hazardous Conduct

At Smart eTracker, we take any forms of illegal behavior very seriously and reserve our right to investigate all complaints and any breaches of any agreement associated with us. If necessary, we will take appropriate action against the suspected illegal behavior, including reporting the behavior to the required law enforcement officials or regulators and, if necessary, revealing personal information about the individual in question.

Indemnity Clause

As a user, you agree to indemnify, defend and hold us, the owners of the site/app, and our partners, officials, agents, employees, successors, assigns, contractors, and third-party suppliers of documents, advertisers, service providers, and affiliates harmless from any claim, expenditure, loss or liability. This includes legal fees, damages, settlements, and any other costs, expenses, or failures relating to your use of the app or site, breach of this agreement, negligence, or unauthorized access.

By indemnifying us, you are essentially agreeing to provide legal protection against any liability, costs, or expenses arising from your use of the app or site. We will, in turn, protect you from any claim, loss, or expense that may arise from our negligence or any breach by us of this agreement.

Providing such protection ensures that all relevant parties remain in strong and secure standing and can go on leveraging each other’s services in confidence. Moreover, should any legal dispute or claim arise, we are both provided with sufficient protection and know that the worst-case scenario has been heavily guarded against.

Non Transferable Rights

This policy protects the users’ privacy of the website or app by ensuring that each user maintains control over their account. Consequently, when accessing a website or app, users should refrain from sharing their passwords or any form of access with another user.

In addition, users need to understand that, should their password be shared with another user and such user access their account, the user is liable. Any illegal or otherwise unauthorized use of the website or app by another user with the user’s login credentials is the sole responsibility of the user who shared the credentials. Protecting user privacy and ensuring account security are fundamental principles for the successful operation of websites and apps, and this policy reinforces these values.


The substance, records, and data highlighted in Smart eTracker are provided ‘as is,’ ‘as obtainable,’ ‘with,’ and ‘all warranties, expressed or implied, are repudiated. The material might contain inaccuracies, imperfections, deficiencies, typos, and matters. We and pertinent get-togethers do not believe that we and suitable get-togethers are at fault for the user’s information and service utilization. We and relevant gatherings are not obligated for immediate, circuitous, rare, odd, or resulting harms. The previously mentioned harm confinement and stipulation are fundamental components of the arrangement between the proprietor and the user of the Site/App. Any exhortation or data acquired by the user through the Website/App by any means won’t bring about any protection or guarantee under the understanding. The duty for the misfortunes caused by this Website or App will be limited to the maximum extent permitted by the applicable law.

Information Utilization

Using the Smart eTracker service, you agree to accept liability for any damages caused by your content or the material you submit. This includes the responsibility to ensure that your content is not offensive or inappropriate and is not an infringement of any third party’s rights, including but not limited to copyrights or trademarks. In addition, you also agree to indemnify Smart eTracker and its owners against any claims, losses, liabilities, damages, costs, and expenses arising from your use of the service or your breach of this agreement.

Rights Reserved

We honor the intellectual rights and assets of others and anticipate the same from its users. If a user believes that any material or record of its Website / App has been copied in an illegal way that transgresses the copyright, the user should supply the following information to us –

  1. A depiction of the copyrighted work which is claimed by the user to be compromised.
  2. Physical or electronic signature of the political party qualified to take action on behalf of the copyright interest’s owner
  3. Description of site of the content in the Site / App which has been claimed to transgress the copyright.
  4. Address, Email address, and telephone number of the individual who lays claim infringement of copyright.
  5. A declaration by the individual who lays a claimed infringement of copyright regarding the idea that the copyright owner or any of its representatives is not approved.


This agreement shall be regarded as fulfilled and consummated in Gwalior, India. The rules of the Unification of India shall direct the understanding. The contract’s language should be understood objectively and not sternly contrary to any social gathering. All clauses incorporated into this agreement shall be automatically assigned to a third person by the proprietor of the Site/App if there is a sale, union, or renting. If any portion of the agreement is illegal, that fraction shall be subject to applicable rules, yet the rest of the agreement will endure in full strength and potency. In case of a discrepancy between this agreement and anything associated with the Site/ App, this agreement shall take precedence.